Sunday, June 12, 2011

Me-Made-June '11 - Week 2

I unofficially participated in Me-Made-May 2010, but this year I'm doing it for real. 

Basically, the challenge is to wear the garments that we create. I wear what I make all the time, but for the month of June I am joining others in a challenge to wear at least one handmade garment each day. As a bonus challenge for myself, I will try to not repeat an outfit. I find that I get into a rut and always put the same tops and bottoms together. For this month I'm going to try to be more creative with what I wear.

I didn't get any pictures of myself for the first week, but I did wear "me made" clothes. (Can I tell you, as an English major, that just sounds so wrong!) I'm sure I have pictures floating around of me in the various outfits. They were all constructed of garments that I have been wearing for the last three summers, at least.

The children helped me take a couple of pictures this week, but I figured out that I can do them myself with the camera propped up on the trampoline. Then I can only blame myself for cutting off my head or my feet in the pictures. LOL

The weather this week was hot, hot, hot. I find skirts and dresses much cooler than shorts, so I decided to wear only skirts and dresses this week.  (Note: the pictures are not in any order.)

  • Monday - OOP Simplicity 4086 blue denim, sewn 2006?; worn with RTW white t-shirt; handmade jewelry
  • Tuesday - OOP Butterick 5101 assymetrical skirt, sewn 2009; worn with RTW brown tank and magenta t-shirt
  • Wednesday - OOP Simplicity 4086 green linen-like fabric, sewn 2006?; OOP Butterick 4986 brown twist-top, sewn 2007; RTW white tank
  • Thursday - OOP Simplicity 4076 twist top, sewn 2008; self-drafted brown twill skirt, sewn 2009
  • Friday - OOP Simplicity 3754 black denim skirt, sewn 2009; RTW black tank and purple t-shirt
  • Saturday - OOP Simplicity 4237 blue jersey skirt, sewn 2010; Simplicity 2443 coral linen jacket, sewn 2010; RTW white t-shirt 
  • Sunday - OOP Simplicity 2883 brown jersey dress, sewn 2008
My favorite outfit of the week was either Wednesday's or Saturday's. I don't think I've ever worn the brown shirt with the green skirt before. The long jersey skirt is so comfortable and I still love that jacket I made last summer.

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